
Jared Kilmer





Jared Kilmer, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist dedicated to the research and application of the cognitive and emotional benefits of games and developing effective therapeutically applied gaming interventions among multiple populations. He serves as the Clinic Director at Save Point Behavioral Health, focused on providing neurodivergent, geek, and gamer affirming counseling and assessment services to his clients. He has developed methodologies utilizing therapeutically applied role-playing games (TA-RPGs) to promote psychological flexibility, resilience, and well being in military veterans recovering from mental illness, as well as to promote confidence, teamwork, and interpersonal effectiveness in neurodivergent children and adolescents. Dr. Kilmer co-authored the book Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games: The Game to Grow Method and supports the use of digital games (e.g., Destiny, Minecraft, and Stardew Valley) in his clinical practice. His work has included utilizing VR therapy experiences with clients and has supported the development of Minecraft-based interventions for neurodivergent youth.